Sand Play with Mark Lye

This month’s instant lesson will focus on sand play. If your sand game needs a little improvement, be willing to try different sand wedges for different length sand shots. Every tour player I know has at least 2 sand wedges, one with lob wedge loft, say 58-60 degrees and another one with 54-56 degrees. You […]

Putting – With Mark Lye

Most players are looking for ways to shave a few strokes off their score. Since half of all strokes taken in a round are on the greens, putting seems to be the first place players look to improve. These days on all the tours, players try changing their hand position on the putting grip. We […]

Miss-Hitting PUtts with Mark Lye

Are you having t rouble hi t t ing your put ts squarely on a regular basis? Wel l , the chances are you may not be staying down long enough when you have the shor t st ick in your hands. Here is a neat l i t t le dr i l l […]

How to take a proper divot – with Mark Lye

Problem: Taking too much turf Are you digging at the ball too much with your shorter irons? I have noticed that a lot of players at all levels really gouge at the ball when they get into the shorter irons, and take a whole lot more turf than necessary. Here is a tip on how […]

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